How would you create a Analytics SDK used by webpages
July 18, 20245 min read
How would you create a Analytics SDK used by webpages
1. Define Requirements and Features
- Tracking: Page views, custom events, user interactions (e.g., clicks, form submissions), and errors.
- User Identification: Ability to track anonymous users and support user identification.
- Session Management: Manage user sessions to track behaviors across sessions.
- Data Transmission: Send collected data to a server or analytics endpoint.
- Performance: Minimal impact on page load times and resource usage.
- Configurability: Allow users to configure what data to track and where to send it.
2.Set Up the Project
├── /src
│ ├── index.ts
│ ├── tracker.ts
│ ├── session.ts
│ ├── config.ts
│ └── utils.ts
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
3. Create the SDK Core
Detailed API Design:
AnalyticsSDK = { init: (config) => {}, trackEvent: (eventName, properties) => {}, trackPageView: (pageData) => {}, setUserProperties: (properties) => {}, }; // Initialize the SDK AnalyticsSDK.init({ apiKey: "your-api-key", trackPageViews: true, sessionTimeout: 30, }); // Track a custom event AnalyticsSDK.trackEvent("button_click", { buttonId: "submit-form", pageSection: "contact-form", }); // Set user properties AnalyticsSDK.setUserProperties({ userId: "12345", userType: "premium", });
Session Management
// session.js import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; // 假设 defaultConfig 在某处定义 const defaultConfig = { sessionTimeout: 30 * 60 * 1000, // 30 minutes in milliseconds }; export class SessionManager { constructor() { this.sessionId = this.getSessionId() || this.createSession(); this.lastActivity =; } createSession() { const newSessionId = uuidv4(); localStorage.setItem("sessionId", newSessionId); return newSessionId; } getSessionId() { return localStorage.getItem("sessionId"); } refreshSession() { if ( - this.lastActivity > defaultConfig.sessionTimeout) { this.sessionId = this.createSession(); } this.lastActivity =; } getSession() { return this.sessionId; } }
Event Tracking Implementation:
// track.js import axios from 'axios'; import { SessionManager } from './session'; const defaultConfig = { apiEndpoint: '', batchSize: 10, // 每批发送的最大事件数 flushInterval: 30000 // 自动发送间隔,单位毫秒 }; export class Tracker { constructor(config = {}) { this.config = {...defaultConfig,...config}: this.sessionManager = new SessionManager(); this.eventQueue = []; this.flushInterval = null; this.startAutoFlush(); } trackEvent(event, data) { this.sessionManager.refreshSession(); const eventData = { event, data, sessionId: this.sessionManager.getSession(), timestamp: new Date().toISOString() }; this.eventQueue.push(eventData); if (this.eventQueue.length >= defaultConfig.batchSize) { this.flush(); } } trackPageView(url) { this.trackEvent('page_view', { url }); } async flush() { if (this.eventQueue.length === 0) return; const events = this.eventQueue.slice(); this.eventQueue = []; try { await this.sendData(events); console.log(`Successfully sent ${events.length} events`); } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to send analytics data', error); // 发送失败时,将事件放回队列 this.eventQueue = events.concat(this.eventQueue); } } async sendData(payload) { await, payload); } startAutoFlush() { this.flushInterval = setInterval(() => this.flush(), defaultConfig.flushInterval); } stopAutoFlush() { if (this.flushInterval) { clearInterval(this.flushInterval); this.flushInterval = null; } } }
Make the SDK Usable
//index.js // src/index.js import { Tracker } from "./track"; export default function initializeAnalyticsSDK(config) { return new Tracker(config); } // 在你的应用中引入 SDK import initializeAnalyticsSDK from "analytics-sdk"; // 初始化 SDK const analytics = initializeAnalyticsSDK({ apiEndpoint: "", // 替换为实际 API 地址 batchSize: 20, // 可选: 覆盖默认配置 flushInterval: 15000, // 可选: 覆盖默认配置 }); // 追踪一个事件 analytics.trackEvent("button_click", { buttonId: "signup" }); // 追踪页面视图 analytics.trackPageView(window.location.href);
// src/index.js import { Tracker } from "./track"; class Analytics { constructor() { this.tracker = null; } // 简单或高级初始化 init(options) { if (typeof options === "string") { // 简单初始化,只使用 API key this.tracker = new Tracker({ apiKey: options }); } else if (typeof options === "object") { // 高级初始化,使用配置对象 this.tracker = new Tracker(options); } else { throw new Error("Invalid initialization parameters."); } return this; // 返回 this,支持链式调用 } // 设置用户属性 setUserProperty(propertyName, value) { if (!this.tracker) { console.warn( "Analytics not initialized. Please call Analytics.init() first." ); return this; // 返回 this,即使没有初始化也支持链式调用 } this.tracker.setUserProperty(propertyName, value); return this; // 返回 this,支持链式调用 } // 追踪事件 trackEvent(event, data) { if (!this.tracker) { console.warn( "Analytics not initialized. Please call Analytics.init() first." ); return this; // 返回 this,即使没有初始化也支持链式调用 } this.tracker.trackEvent(event, data); return this; // 返回 this,支持链式调用 } // 追踪页面视图 trackPageView(url) { if (!this.tracker) { console.warn( "Analytics not initialized. Please call Analytics.init() first." ); return this; // 返回 this,即使没有初始化也支持链式调用 } this.tracker.trackPageView(url); return this; // 返回 this,支持链式调用 } } // 导出 Analytics 单例 const analyticsInstance = new Analytics(); export default analyticsInstance; import Analytics from "analytics-sdk"; // 链式调用示例 Analytics.init("YOUR_API_KEY") .setUserProperty("age", 30) .setUserProperty("gender", "female") .trackEvent("button_click", { buttonId: "signup" }) .trackPageView(window.location.href);